The Way Between by Rivera Sun

The Way Between by Rivera Sun


“The story has all the beauty of the great stories of old: adventure, action, courage, surprises, friendships; but with bold nonviolent action instead of the usual dose of violence.”
– Rivera Sun on The Way Between

This is book 1 in the The Ari Ara Series which includes: The Way Between, The Lost Heir, Desert Song, and The Adventures of Alaren. The series follows the adventures of a young orphan (Ari Ara) as she learns to wage peace, work for justice, and make change in her world.

Everyone loves a good story! In an exciting blend of action, adventure, and fantasy author Rivera Sun boldly takes the genre in a new direction . . . that of waging peace, active nonviolence, and nonviolent movements. Challenging war cultures and military societies, The Way Between brings the skills of resolving conflict, anti-bullying, and ending violence into a coming of age story for a new generation of readers.

“If our children and our communities are to be trained for the world that is emerging, then we must put the tools of peace and active nonviolence in their hands, hearts, minds, dreams, and stories.”
– Rivera Sun on The Way Between

Between flight and fight lies a mysterious third path called the Way Between, and young shepherdess and orphan Ari Ara must master it . . . before war destroys everything she loves! She begins training as the apprentice of the great warrior Shulen, and enters a world of warriors and secrets, swords and magic, friendship and mystery. She uncovers forbidden prophecies, searches for the lost heir to two thrones, and chases the elusive forest-dwelling Fanten to unravel their hidden knowledge. Full of twists and turns and surprises, The Way Between is bound to carve out a niche on bookshelves everywhere!

“The Way Between offers the younger generations – and the older ones – the values of peace and nonviolence, anti-bullying, compassion, inclusion and belonging.” – Rivera Sun


Fun. Fantasy. Action. Adventure. If you’re anything like me, you grew up reading great books and imagining yourself swinging swords and chasing orcs. The Way Between takes the joy of an adventure story into a realm where waging peace and nonviolence lead a young heroine into courageous action and exciting escapades.

Are you ready to take action with me? Together, we can bring this book to people everywhere! Writing and sharing this novel is, for me and maybe for you, too, an act of literary intervention in the culture of war and violence. Every time someone reads The Way Between, a mind and heart is liberated from the myth of violence, and empowered by the true skills of active nonviolence! Reading and sharing this story is a powerful form of taking action for a culture of peace and active nonviolence.

If we look around the world today, the most exciting adventures of our times are unfolding in nonviolent movements for change. Our literature needs a 21st century update. We need stories of heroes and heroines engaging the viable, amazing skills of unarmed peacekeeping, restorative justice, conflict resolution, and nonviolent action.

The Way Between weaves these incredible skills into a story of fantasy and fun that will bring the practical and inspiring examples of nonviolence into the hearts, minds, and imaginations of people both young and old.

I hope you will think and act boldly in support of this novel, our children, our friends and families, and the whole world. I think The Way Between will uplift our hearts and inspire our actions. Together, we can send this powerful story everywhere!

Thank you for being a part of this journey!

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The Ari Ara Series

The Ari Ara Series
