Desert Song

Desert Song


By Rivera Sun

Exiled to the desert, young Ari Ara is caught between the warriors trying to grab power . . . and the women rising up to stop them! Ari Ara has to find her place – and her voice – in this strange culture . . . but time is running out. One by one, the women’s voices are being silenced, cut from the Desert Song. Can Ari Ara and her friends restore the balance before violence breaks out? Readers of all ages will love this adventurous tale of strong women and mighty girls!

This is book 3 in the The Ari Ara Series which includes: The Way Between, The Lost Heir, Desert Song, and The Adventures of Alaren. The series follows the adventures of a young orphan (Ari Ara) as she learns to wage peace, work for justice, and make change in her world. This book can be read on its own or in order with the other volumes.

An amazing story about how young people must navigate the space between fitting in and standing out from the crowd.”

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The Way Between by Rivera Sun

The Way Between by Rivera Sun

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The Dandelion Insurrection

The Ari Ara Series

The Ari Ara Series


The Dandelion Insurrection Study Guide
